Jase's Homecoming!!

This morning Rick and I went with Jase to the church at 7:00 a.m. so that he could give his missionary report to the High Council. Sarah Kemp had come home the same day that Jase did and gave her report as well. They both did a great job! It was really neat to feel the spirit as they shared their experiences and testimonies. They also both gave their homecoming talks in church today and they both did awesome there too! Jase was happy that his trainer, Elder Michael Stucki, showed up to hear him speak. It was also neat to hear him share his testimony in Armenian!

We invited Michael over to dinner at the house after church and we had a great meal. It was fun to hear them both share missionary stories. It is always fun to hear another perspective on what actually went on in the mission field! Today was also Father’s Day! Janika gave her missionary farewell on Mother’s Day and Jase gave his missionary homecoming on Father’s Day! What a wonderful blessing it is to be parents of such amazing sons and daughters!

We feel very blessed for the Atonement of Jesus Christ and for Heavenly Father’s plan that allows us the opportunity to come to families to learn and grow as we help our family and others live the gospel and make the necessary covenants to return to our Father in Heaven someday!