Letter 42 (April 3, 2017) General Conference

Well this was an awesome week just because of General Conference. If you didn't watch it I would really encourage you to because it was really good.

My personal favorites were from the priesthood session. I always love Elder Bednar's talks and he spoke on something really different this time but I really liked it. I think there were a lot of things that many of the general authorities cleared up in this conference that a lot of people are confused on, so it was a really good conference.

Also this week, we set Angeline on date for the 6th of May and so far it is going pretty well. We are excited to see her progress. We were able to watch the first session with Madlena and Arpineh also and it was really good.

Unfortunately, it was really sad to say goodbye because that was the last time we will see Madlena
before she goes to Canada. We hope she can come back soon. She is definitely one I want to stay in contact with.

Well, It was an exciting week this week and it was nice to watch conference and take a little break. I am excited to get back out there now and keep preaching the gospel. Also, my P-day is probably on Saturday next week because we are going to the temple, just so you know. Have a good week!