Letter 34

Hello Everyone!

I don't even know what to write this week. We have a 2 hour P-day extension starting today so it has been pretty nice. We have a lot of time to write emails but I just never have the motivation to do so. This will probably be a short letter because of that.

Elder Sanders and I have been having a lot of fun working together. We are still trying to find new people but that is a constant process. Madlena is doing super awesome though and we are going to go to the temple with her this Thursday. It will be awesome!

Omid is also doing well but he has becoming busier with his new job. He wants to improve though and we should be able to meet with him soon. Our new investigator who was put on date in the first lesson is named Gabriel. He is super awesome and it has been wonderful to see him progress.

Unfortunately, we found out his address is just one street outside of our ward boundaries so we had to pass him off to the AP's. I am sure they will take good care of him though! Now we are just trying to find others who are prepared for baptism and it is a hard search but the elect do come! That is pretty much it this week. I don't have any pictures again because I forget my camera so sorry about that. Maybe next week. Have a great week everyone!