Letter 21: November 7, 2016 -- Car Accident

Hello everyone!

It was a pretty decent week for the most part. We had to move some dates but we are still looking at Asal and Lia being baptized in November so that's good. I have met a bunch more crazies this week so that was cool too. I just love Glendale so much. The people here are just amazing. I am definitely coming back to visit my mission and I am definitely taking friends and family to visit these people. They will just be so excited to meet these people I just know it.

The end of this week was rough though. I feel for all of my friends who are in walk only missions because we won't have our car this week (thanks to one of my wonderful companions who will remain nameless) which stinks. We have walked everywhere and I have been dying. It also means we are very limited on where we can work but it has also been very good for us because we have been able to talk to so many people. It has been really good but hopefully we can get the car back soon so that we can actually visit our investigators without abusing the members by always using them for their car. It has been good but I can't wait for the car again.

Photos:  One is the 4 Armenian Elders trying to recreate a photo and the other one is just a really bad district photo. That's what happens when that nameless companion mentioned above is also your district leader. One companionship was on exchanges too so that made it even better because one of the elders wasn't even in our district.