Letter 91 Transferring to Sunland

Hey Everyone!

Ok so a ton happened this week. First, we got dropped by Valerie and Chloe unfortunately so that was a huge bummer. Same day too but it’s ok, seed planted and I think they will come around later. 

Second, Elder Bentley and a couple other past missionaries came and visited the mission and so we got to talk for a little bit. Elder Bentley was like one of my favorite missionaries to hang out with and we were together for like a year of the mission so that was super fun, I can’t believe he got home almost 6 months ago now. 

Third, we got our transfer calls. What in the world. So I thought I was gonna finish my mission here but I guess I was wrong. I’m really sad to leave this ward because I’ve loved this area so much, but I am excited to go to my new area which is surprisingly not Glendale. I will be going to Sunland and taking Elder Stucki’s place because he is going home. My new companion will be Elder Pate. I’m excited for it because Elder Hansen is going to be my zone leader in one of the Armenian areas with Elder Hathaway, one of my current zone leaders.

I can’t wait to go on exchanges with them in Glendale and also, they have the other Armenian Elders in an area as well so they have 2 Armenian areas again which is awesome. I’m super excited to see all the Armos again. Also, there are quite a few Armenians in Sunland and so I’m taking Elder Stucki’s spot to contact them and refer them down to the Armenian Elders which will be fun because I will get to use my language. 

Elder Boulette also got transferred. He is going to Alhambra and the Heritage ward is getting Sister missionaries. Yep we got Pinkwashed! It’s only a little bit shameful, haha, but I actually recommended they put Sisters here because this ward hasn’t had Sisters in like 20 years and there is a lot of potential. I think they will do a great job. Anyway, we don’t have transfers till tomorrow now so you can see a pic of my comp next week. I’m excited to finish strong in Sunland and can’t wait to start working there! Have a great week everyone!  
Dinner with the Walker family! 

 Elder Bentley -- back from the dead...
Our Zone