Letter 32

Hey Everyone!

This has been a super awesome week! Omid has his baptismal date for the 18th of February still and we found this awesome golden investigator! She was a referral from the Spanish sisters that we tried to get a hold of but she was always too busy so we dropped her. Well turns out, she really wants to know more about mormons and so she started attending church a couple months later and really likes it. She found our emails in the program and emailed us and so we started meeting with her this week and set a baptismal date for the 18th also. Her name is Madlena and she is Armenian but speaks fluent English. She is so awesome, most Armenians are very stubborn and like their old ways but she is very open and humble. We are very excited to teach her.
Also, transfers happened and I have a new companion! He came out at about the same time as me and he is from Hurricane, Utah! He originally came out as an English missionary but started his mission in Samoan work and his second area is Armenian work. He is a very good missionary and I am super excited to be working with him! He doesn't speak a lick of Armenian so this will be an interesting transfer, but I am very excited to see how it goes.
We have seen so many insane miracles this week with Omid and Madlena it is amazing! I know that this work will continue to go forward even in hard times. God is always watching out for us and he just wants us to talk to him. I can testify that God really does answer prayers "by small and simple means" and if you are willing to work hard with him, he can help you through any difficulty. Have a good week.
This is my new companion Elder Sanders. I look totally goofy in this photo and so it is so worth sending home.