Letter 51 Plan of Salvation

It was a pretty good week this week but short because I just had p day Monday. We are having it Saturday due to the upcoming zone conferences so I will write about those next week. Things are going well here, we have gotten a few referrals that seem pretty solid so we are excited to work with them! I haven't gotten in contact with everybody yet but we hope to this week! 

I went on my first real exchange this week where I actually left my area completely so that was pretty fun. It was a Spanish area so I wasn't quite sure what was going on but I did have to bike in that area for the first time on my mission. That was fun for the first little bit but I hope I never have to do that again. It is a real blessing to have a car. I know some missionaries who would just be wishing they had a bike so I have definitely lucked out in where I have served so far!

That is pretty much all for this week, but I just want to testify of the truthfulness of the plan of salvation. I have always struggled in teaching this because I felt it was complicated and confusing, but now I see that it is the only possible plan that God could use to save his children and he knows that and now I know that. I am so grateful for the potential to become something better in this life and for the plan that God has laid out. Because of the gospel pattern of faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end that was restored to the earth; we can become so much better and have a role in Gods plan. 

I am so grateful that I chose to go on a mission. I think I knew these things before, but now because I know them, I am going to do something about it. I hope you all choose to do the same and have a great week!