Letter 87 Miracles

Hey Everyone!

This week I had some really cool experiences. We found a lot of new investigators and hope to keep finding more to stock up our teaching pool. One miracle from this week was while I was on exchanges in my area with Elder Reimer. We were tracting some apartments and I thought it was gonna be great. Well tons of people ended up not even being home and only like 3 people answered. However, the very last door we knocked on was a girl named Kelsey who was younger, maybe in her 20s. She was really open to learning from us and said she had been searching to find God and to know how to pray and develop a relationship with him.

It was so cool and we said that she was doing exactly what she needed to by praying for guidance and truth. We taught pieces of the restoration and set up a return appointment to teach the whole thing and the Book of Mormon. I think when she reads the Book of Mormon and prays she will find the answers that she has been searching for. We also came across a new part member family in our ward and they are so cool. The husband isn’t active but wants to come back and get his wife involved as well so we are super excited to teach them. That was pretty much it for this week, have a great week everyone!

Pics: 1 week left of the sugar challenge! Here is how it has been going for us so far!