Letter 73 Miracles

Hey Everyone! 

This was a pretty good week! To start, we met a lady named Margarit who was a former in our area Book. We had tried to go by before but she was never there because her husband was in the hospital. Well, we went back and taught her and she doesn’t speak any English. We were able to teach the restoration clearly and she understood it well and now she is on date for December 16th!  

It was an awesome miracle. It is difficult to get her to church though and we didn’t have anyone at church this Sunday, but hopefully we can get around that. She has a lot of potential and is so willing to learn. She was originally found because her husband had a dream about the missionaries coming and teaching them but then got sick and passed away. We are hoping that she is willing to see that this is true. 

We are still working with Claudina as well and although she won't set a date with us, she is willing to take steps towards baptism and committed to give up coffee and tea, which is awesome. Other than that we have just been finding a ton, trying to knock on a lot of doors and street contact a lot of people. 

That's about if for this week! I know that this is the true church of Jesus Christ and if you will all take the time to read the Book of Mormon daily you will have peace in your life and know that it is true as well. Have a great week everyone!