Letter 70

Hey Everyone! I hope you all had a great week this week! Ours was great. Lots of finding people to teach but we have found a few good prospects. We are teaching Claudina, a member's mother and we didn’t quite set her on date, but she does understand that the next step in meeting with us is baptism and she wants to keep meeting with us to progress there so that is good. She said she would pray about a date and we said we would too so we are hoping our next lesson with her we will be able to set one.  

This Thursday we had a mission conference with Elder Dyches of the seventy and it was awesome! He has so much power with him and I learned a lot from that meeting. He talked a lot about working with and serving members and I realized that I really am doing the bare minimum and could do so much better at showing love and kindness towards members and just others in general.

We had our Armenian group meet again and it went okay. We are still working out the kinks with getting it started, but so far it has worked out pretty well. Now we just need to get some investigators there! We are working with one Armenian lady named Anoush and she is awesome but hasn’t really progressed since I’ve been here so we will see how it goes. She is reading the Book of Mormon though and likes reading general conference talks and has been to church three times. She hasn’t been recently though. Hopefully we can keep working with her. Anyway, that’s pretty much it for this week! Hope you all have a great week!