Letter 97 Temple Visitor's Center

Hey Everyone!

Well this week we had a lot happen. Good news and Bad news. Unfortunately, Sophia is too stressed with the move going on and so she has decided to postpone the baptism until after they move to Arizona even though she just needs 1 more lesson and the interview. I just hope she chooses to get baptized when she gets there. I just know it will always feel too busy and so I hope she chooses to do that. 

For good news though, the same day Sophia dropped her Baptismal date we set another one with a lady named Sonia! We had dinner with her and a member and she is just going through a lot right now. She is really willing to learn and we already met with her 3 times last week. Her date is for May 26th which is a little rushed, but if we meet with her often we know that it can work! She also came to church this Sunday and it was a great meeting!

We also had a great trip to the temple visitors center with Mayra last Saturday. Her husband accompanied her and that was really his first exposure to the church and it was a great experience! Mayra is still on date for the 12th and we are super excited for her baptism. Not only that, but her husband who didn’t want to meet with us before is now showing some interest and he even came to church with Mayra this week! 

It was awesome and it’s amazing to see the gospel bringing families closer together in the Sunland ward. This area has some awesome potential and many of the members are actually convert families. It just goes to show how much the gospel blesses families and it’s amazing to see that. Over all things are going wonderful!

Oh I almost forgot! We got transfer calls this week and Elder Pate and I will be staying together for my last transfer which should be pretty fun! Anyway, that’s pretty much it for this week, I hope you all have a wonderful week!