Letter 102 Zone Activity and Awesome Stake Conference!

Hey Everyone!

This week was pretty average, lots of finding and street contacting but it was lots of fun!  We have been working hard to find new people for the Sunland area and it has been going pretty good. I think the Lord has some great blessings in store for this area and I’m glad I got to be here for the beginning of it.

One of our new investigators is Vivian. She is super cool and on splits this week we saw tons of miracles. It was our first time going on splits with our ward, we have been trying to get it set up for some time now and finally got it going. It had been difficult trying to set up appointments with Vivian and her son Carlos.  However, Elder Pate found her home on splits and had a great restoration lesson! They had to cut it a little short because it was late, but we are excited to teach them more. 

On my split we also caught two less active families, one of which the children were recent converts and we just haven’t been able to keep in touch. Today however we caught them both! I think when members and missionaries work together we really start to see a lot of miracles. Oh I almost forgot! We also had stake conference this week and it was awesome! The Armenian Elders let me do some of the translating to so that was lots of fun and even though my Armenian is bad, I’m so grateful I had one last time to translate and I felt like it went well, for my standards at least. That’s it for this week! I hope you all have a great week! 

Pics: Last Zone activity! Had fun spending it with some of my favorite missionaries still alive in the mission.