Letter 81 Mission Conference

Hey everybody!

This week was super awesome! We found a lot of new investigators, but nobody came to church unfortunately. We thought we were gonna have a bunch of people come but nobody made it. Next week for sure though. We are still working with the Cheng family and we actually found a new family to teach this week which is pretty cool. This ward is awesome and we’ve gotten some great referrals from them! 

Another cool event from this week was the mission conference we had on Saturday. Elder Dallin H. Oaks came and spoke to our mission and it was awesome! He is such a smart man and with the recent death of the prophet we were surprised he was still able to come. His life is full of experiences that you wouldn’t expect an apostle to have, but as we all know everyone has trying experiences in their lives.

I felt very edified from the meeting and truly feel that he is an apostle of the lord Jesus Christ. He is very bold and willing to speak the truth of God to anyone who asks. It was wonderful to shake his hand and hear him speak. I know that there are prophets and apostles on the earth today and they are special witnesses of Jesus Christ. I know that they are imperfect men, but they are humble and constantly trying to learn. I am so grateful for the opportunities we have to learn from their words and most especially their examples. I hope you all have a great week!

Pictures: Mission Conference with Elder Oaks. Armenian Elders including Elder McAllister the new Elder. Comp photo.