Letter 41

Well, not a whole ton happened this week but it was a really good one.

We started teaching Madlena's sister and she has a date for April the 15th! We want to teach the husband and all the kids too but it might be a little harder. We also aren't sure how open the husband is yet but hopefully he will be.  Madlena has to go back to Canada soon though and it will be sad to see her go. She is a really strong member so we hope she comes back soon. She is planning on it as soon as possible which is good!

We also had quite a few investigators at sacrament  meeting which was good but they unfortunately all had to leave early.   Hopefully next time they can stay for the classes to get some
fellowship, especially Arpineh, Madlena's sister.

Another exciting thing that happened was Omid receiving the priesthood! He is now a priest and we want him and Mosi to pass the sacrament soon. It has been such an amazing experience being on a mission and I have come to love these two so much.

I encourage you all to share the gospel with someone this week or to go out with the missionaries and help. Offer to be a good fellow-shipper for those listening to the gospel. There really isn't a better feeling than helping someone to receive the gospel and watching them progress. Well, that is pretty much everything for this week. I hope you all have a great week!