MTC: Letter 8

Wow what another wonderful week of still being in the MTC. I have seen so many people come and go it is unreal. Also we had a lot of exciting things happen this week! Everything was pretty much the same as of who we taught and how it is going so I will just talk about some of the exciting new things. On Wednesday we got to skype again and Elder Gray and I got to skype someone from California named Armen! (I think I can thank Brother Debry who set it up for me. Also Brother Debry why are you teaching English and not Armenian here?) Anyway, Armen was awesome and he loves to talk. We had a fun time teaching him about repentance and prayer and he has such a wonderful testimony. It was sure fun to meet someone in California and I am excited to see him. I told him I would be looking for him when I got there.

Later that same day, we had a wonderful surprise from our teachers. Our new name tags are here. They look extremely legit and unfortunately we can't wear them yet but it was a very exciting moment for us. Lastly, just yesterday we got our flight plans. Everyone was so excited shouting things like "We get to stop in Moscow!" And "We finally get to go!" Meanwhile I was shouting like "Are you serious I am flying by myself?!" Yes, it seems I am the only person in my flight group which has one person and it is me and I am the flight leader of that group which again is only me. No companion for a whole hour. I don't think I can do it. It will be exciting that is for sure lets just hope I don't mess anything up. Anyway, that is about all I have for this week! Just one more P-day and then it will be on Monday from here on out. Love you all and hope you have a great week!

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