Letter 84 Is This Utah?

Hey Everyone!

This week was pretty much normal! You know one thing I noticed is that in this area there isn’t really that much crazy stuff happening which is funny because we are right by Pomona. Now that would be a fun area to work in but La Verne is super nice and we have had no problems with our bikes getting stolen so far which is great. People are super nice to us here and every time we go out to lunch someone pays for our food. We only go out to lunch because other people have given us gift cards but we can never spend them because everyone is paying for our food. I seriously feel like I’m in Utah it’s so weird.

Anyway, yesterday we had a wonderful regional conference broadcast for church which was really nice. Elder Christofferson and Elder Kearon gave wonderful talks. The Chengs weren’t able to make it unfortunately, but hopefully next week. We picked up a couple new investigators that seem to have a lot of potential though and we are really excited to teach them! One of them is a boy named Markus and he is really cool. He was a referral from some member friends and we taught him at their house.

The only problem is we can’t meet with him for another three weeks so that’s too bad. It’s tough to meet with people here, Everyone is so busy. That’s pretty much it for this week though! The members in this ward are super awesome and so we have the opportunity to have a lot more spiritual lessons and teach the restoration in its fullness which is really nice. I love it here so much and am so grateful for my mission experiences thus far and can’t wait to continue making more!

Have a great week everyone!