Letter 59

Hey everybody!

I feel like every time it is time to write an email I just forget everything that happened this week. We had MLC which was really good and this week we are going to have a mission meeting which I am really excited for.

We pretty much had this week open to proselyte and so we were able to find some great new investigators and we are really hoping they progress. One of them is a mother of a family and that was really exciting because she sounded really interested in ways she could help her family which is awesome. There are so many broken families today and so it was nice to see a fully functioning family who wants to hear the gospel. Last night we were able to go by the Ibraihims as well and we are probably going to work with them again.

They have been struggling with a lot lately and they have been coming to church (just the classes unfortunately) and I think they really do want to do the right thing. This week we had exchanges and I went into the Spanish area which was a whole lot of fun. I am really starting to enjoy biking a lot more! Well, that's pretty much all for this week!

Here is a photo of the district, we have transfers coming up soon though so we will see what happens!
