Letter 45

Hey Everyone!

I can't say much happened this week because it was a little shorter and we had a lot of meetings. On the bright side, I have been getting better at setting up and using all of the technology for the meetings so that has been nice. Since I was at mostly meetings this week I will just write about those.
We received a lot of instruction from President and Sister Villanueva and from the Assistants that was really good.

We talked a lot about the importance of studies and working with the ward. I love having time set aside in the morning as part of the missionary schedule to study. It is such a blessing and really gets my day started off right and I am more prepared for the day. I encourage all of you to take some time to study the scriptures everyday. It doesn't have to be a long time but if you do it everyday it will bless you for the rest of your life.

We also talked about working with the ward we are serving in and I really liked that because we are really struggling to find people to teach right now. This area is really difficult but elder Baguley and I both feel like we are right around the corner from finding someone awesome. I think if we work better with the ward and some of there friends, we will find more people who are interested or just more open to our message.

A lot of people are closed off to us missionaries because we dress strangely and they know what we are all about but those same people are very open to listening when a friend with a sincere testimony of the gospel invites them to listen and just wants what's best for them! I challenge all of you to branch out and make new friends around you that you can invite to hear the message of the restored gospel. It will bless their lives forever and yours as well. Hope you all have a great week!

Pictures: 1. Me and my father (trainer) Elder Stucki. It was good to see him again. He was an awesome trainer. 2. My new companion Elder Baguley. He is a great missionary and very diligent! I need to be more like him!