Letter 20

Hey Everyone! 

I feel like my emails are never super exciting because I always forget what happened. We did have transfers this week though and nothing happened in my companionship but we did have some changes in our district so that was cool. I really like changing things up to be honest and so I wouldn't mind working with different people every transfer which is funny because I am in Armenian work which means we rarely get changed.
Not gonna lie this week was pretty tough and we pretty much dropped everybody except for our miracle people with the baptismal dates Asal and Lia. Also trios can make it really hard to get along. We get along pretty well we just argue a lot about stupid stuff. It is also super hard to learn Armenian here. We aren't able to speak it like at all because we have no one to practice with except each other and on street contacts. On the bright side, I am getting pretty good at street contacting in Armenian. Except for sometimes when I approach people in Armenian and then they just look at me confused. That is always awkward but for the most part it works out.
Anyway, life is still good in the field and we did have a cool visitor in the Armenian class yesterday. A branch president named Rolland came to the class. He lives in North Ridge though so I don't think he will make it every time but he is super cool and I hope he can come more often because we need all the help we can get in the Armenian group. 
I also had a special visitor show up to church yesterday so that was pretty fun and totally crazy although I am not in the least bit surprised that he came because he works super close to us. I gave a talk in sacrament meeting too so that was fun. I am pretty much terrible at public speaking but it was alright because there were a lot of speakers so I only had to take a few minutes. That's pretty much it for this week so I hope you all continue in your personal lives with faith. I have realized that faith is super important if you want to be successful so if you don't have much faith then you better start to grow it! Read your scriptures everyday, pray, and go to church. If you do that then you are doing pretty good and your faith will grow so much. Have a good week!
Pictured: So there is this crazy guy named Minas who just kind of walks around the building and every time it is open he comes in and prays and eats if there is food. He even came in while we were having zone conference once. I am pretty sure he has no idea what is going on most of the time but I asked him to take a picture with us and so that was fun. I have no idea how old he is but he is just super funny. Sorry that is all the pictures I have. Hopefully I can get more next week.
 Elder Jensen with his "special visitor," Lance Douglas -- his Young Men's President from back home!!