MTC: Letter 9

Hello Everyone!

The last week in the MTC I just can't believe we fly out Tuesday. Others would say that it flew by so fast but no that is not true I think I have definitely been here for at least 8 years. They probably just extended my mission so that I could stay in the MTC. 

Well this week has been great although nothing was different except that Elder Neil L. Andersen came and spoke to us on Tuesday which was awesome. We also did our last TRC skype with someone from Armenia named Mher. We bombed that lesson but the guy was awesome and just made fun of how bad we spoke the whole time. He was super funny and we tried to share a scripture with him but we failed at that too. We tried to share Mosiah 2:17 but accidently did Mosiah 17:2 and I didn't realize it until we were about half way done reading it. That is how it goes when you don't understand what you are reading I guess but whatever. He was excited to get Elder Gray. 

On Thursday we had our In-Field Orientation which was great but it was very long. It was basically workshops all day but I had a lot of fun with it. Also, I don't think I have ever spoken that much English in my life. It is really weird being able to understand everything. Well I don't really know what else to write about. Hope you all have a great week! I will write again next Monday and hopefully by then there will be a lot more to write about!
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Here are some pictures of part of our district, the ones we could get in the picture at least. Also it was a really hot day so here I am jumping in to the Temple fountain. And then it is just me and Elder Gray and then me almost able to leave the MTC. The exit sign was just out of reach but soon I can leave.