Letter 103 Last e-mail and Dodger's Game!

Hey Everybody!

This week has been super fun! We have just been working on finding and we had a full day of service this week which was tons of fun. This Saturday we also got to go to the Mormon Dodger Night at Dodger stadium so that was so fun! That was my second time going to a Major League Baseball game and it was awesome. Unfortunately the dodgers lost 5-3 but at least I got a free bobble head and a bunch of pictures. 

This is the last email I will be writing because I head home this Thursday. It’s crazy to think about everything going on. I have grown to love this ward so much and I’m sad to leave it. I’m especially sad to leave my mission. I’ve made so many friends here, but I’m so grateful that I don’t have to leave them all behind. I’m definitely going to keep in contact with all the friends I’ve made out here. 

I shared my testimony in sacrament meeting today and I want to leave a challenge with everybody reading this that I also left with them. The challenge was to pray about serving a mission. I invite each of you to think about it, ponder, and pray over the idea of serving a mission. Not just the youth either. You can all be involved in missionary work and can make the decision to serve a mission later in life as well and so I would encourage you all to actively think about it. It may not be the right step for everyone, the most important thing is that we become what the Lord wants us to become and that is by following his guidance. 

The mission has changed who I am and how I think and I’m so grateful for what it’s taught me. I’m still the same crazy guy I was before, but now I feel like I have a purpose and the Lord has helped me see that. I love you all and I’m so grateful for your support. See you soon!

Pictures: Dodger game!