Letter 56: New Armenian Elder (Elder Hansen) -- and Water Day!!

July 24, 2017

Sorry I don't have a ton of time today but I hope you are all doing well! This week was pretty normal for us and not too much happened.

However, we did have a lot of the less actives we have been working with come to church which was awesome! Other good news, the new Armenian Elder arrived and his name is Elder Hansen! I am super excited for him to be here and Elder Stucki my trainer will be training him. It will be really good. 

We don't celebrate Pioneer Day, but I guess in Armenia today is water day which means that it's a giant free for all water fight all day. You can just run outside and soak anyone you want who is outside. 

That's a pretty great holiday and I wonder if they celebrated in Glendale. If they did I will be sad I missed it but I doubt they did, too many laws here.

Elder Jensen