Letter 94 Awesome Week!

Hey Everyone!

It’s been another awesome week for us! We were able to find a lot of new investigators and we were able to set Mayra on date for May 19th! She is doing super awesome and she will definitely be able to make her date. We are so excited for all the progress this area is making! 

We also found Robert again, another investigator we had on date who disappeared so that was good. His phone broke so that’s why we couldn’t find him but we have an appointment tonight! Sofia is doing well too. We met with her on Friday and had a great lesson on the commandments. Her date isn’t until May 27th because it’s her birthday
and she wants it to be special although she could seriously be baptized in April if she wanted to! We are going to go to the temple visitor center with her in a few weeks which will be fun. That was pretty much it this week since Wednesday! 

Remember to go to church, pray, and read always! CPR keeps us spiritually alive so don’t forget church, prayer, reading. If you aren’t doing one of those things or even all three, I invite you to start doing them and you will be able
to feel the saviors love in your life and find answers to your revelation through the scriptures, and revelation through church attendance and I promise you it really does work. Have a great week everyone!