Letter 37

This week has been a good one for sure! I was worried we wouldn't have anyone to teach but it has picked up rather quickly. We haven't set anyone with dates yet but we have many people now who want to learn and have potential for baptism. A few of them accepted a soft baptismal commitment and so we are hoping we can move those forward.

We had a crazy day at church yesterday and so many people showed up that we weren't expecting which was awesome. We were even able to have Armenian class and it was great. I always love Armenian class because I can get more practice and I understand a lot more in the class than I do talking with people.

Both of the new recent converts from last week are doing very well. Madlena wants to feed us dinner so that we can meet her family. She really wants to share the gospel with them which is awesome and Omid is very excited to start paying tithing. He says that he knows only good can come from it and I have never seen someone so excited to do everything he can to help. Both of these people will be a wonderful benefit to the ward! I am excited to see how things will go next week!

Pictured: I didn't have any pictures but I went to a seafood buffet and they had a lot of exotic food so naturally I had to eat it all. This is a baby octopus and I can't say that it tasted very good but I was able to swallow it. That was pretty rough.