Letter 63: Successful Referral!

September 11, 2017

Hey Everybody!

We definitely had a great miracle this week! It was zone Conference week and so we weren't able to get much done but it was enjoyable to see everybody again and to hear from president. However, we did get a referral this week. Her name was Holly and she requested a Book of Mormon online. I think this is the first time it has happened to me on my mission so I was super excited.

We emailed Holly and set up an appointment for Friday. As we got to know her we realized she has lots of Mormon family and a nephew serving in Uganda on a mission. We taught her the restoration and gave her a Book of Mormon and she is really interested to find out if this is true.

We emailed her the next day to see if she had read the introduction which was a commitment we left with her. She emailed back and told us that she just finished 2 Nephi and that she would start Jacob tomorrow. She is reading super fast which is amazing! She also accepted a soft baptismal commitment and we are excited for our return appointment on Wednesday! We also had stake Conference this week and we had a 70 come and speak to us.

It was an amazing talk and I was glad I was able to attend. You could just see that his testimony was so strong and that he had such a great love for all of the people there. Developing charity is a really difficult challenge for me and it is one of my life long goals, but it was amazing to see his example.

I hope we can all develop this love that is talked about in Moroni 7 and I challenge you all to study the chapter and apply its teachings first with your family, then with your friends, and then with everybody. As you do so and set goals I know that you will be pleased with your efforts and that you will find happiness. Have a great week!

Elder Jensen