Letter 17

Hey everyone! Sorry for all the mix-up from this week. We had P-day today (Thursday) so that we could go to the temple on Monday. I am so grateful I am able to go to the temple in my mission. It was a super long week though because we didn't have P-day until today and we didn't find out about the change until the morning of.  To be honest, it was a ten day week so I can't actually remember anything that happened really but I did get to try some Armenian food and Iranian food. It is super good. 

We did pick up one new investigator this week who is now progressing so that is good. The hardest thing out here is just meeting with people multiple times a week. We have a hard time keeping steady appointments with people because they keep cancelling them. It is hard to find people who have time to listen to our message. Lia however, is progressing very well. We had a date set for October 29th but we will probably have to push it back because we have a hard time figuring out how to get her to church since she is completely wheelchair bound. Other than those two, we really don't have any investigators or at least not any with good potential. 

We are still trying to find an Armenian family or at this point, just an Armenian in general who goes further than the restoration. If we do get to teach people, they usually don't want to join our church they just think we share a good message. I am hoping we can just get more people to read from the book of Mormon. Sometimes that is the hardest thing but if they actually read it with the intent to know then they will find out its true. I think we are going to try and use the Book of Mormon in our teaching more this week. I hope you all continue working hard and have a great week!

Pictured: The first 5 pictures are all pictures of the food we got from a member named Anoush. She is awesome and the food was really good.The first picture is called Plav (rice in armenian) and they don't use utensils so what you do is you tear off some of the lavash (second picture, tortilla like bread) and pick up some of the rice using the lavash. It is super good. The other thing is called Lamajoon (sorry for the weird spelling, I have know idea how to spell this using English letters because of it's limited alphabet) and is also very good. The last picture was Iranian food we had with a Persian speaking family and that was also super amazing. 

(Letter to the Primary Kids from back home in response to a packet of letters sent out)

Dear Primary Kids,

I am glad so many of you want to serve missions like in Oregon, Australia, Taiwan, or Mexico. That is so cool! You never know where you will get called to serve though but no matter where you go, it will be the right place for you. I heard you had a wonderful primary program and it sounds like you all have wonderful testimonies of the gospel. I sure loved reading your letters! My mission has been hard because I am trying to learn Armenian but many people here speak different types of Armenian which makes it hard to learn. My mission has been really hard so far, but I know that the lord is preparing people for me to find.

It is a great experience to serve a mission and I hope you all have a desire to do so. It has helped me learn so much more about Jesus Christ and how much he loves me and others. Always do your best to serve the lord because then he will be able to bless you. I know that this is the true church of Jesus Christ that has been restored to the earth today. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet because I know that the Book of Mormon is true. If you have not read the Book of Mormon you should do it and you can know for yourself if it is true or not. I know that we can do all things through Jesus Christ, even learn a new language. Thank you for being awesome and don't forget to share the gospel with your friends! Ես սիրում եմ ձեզ! (I love you all!)

Երեց Ջենսեն (Elder Jensen)