Letter 14

Wow I am super pumped right now! I love Glendale, even though people here are super weird, and we all agree we should move more of the Armenian work to Burbank area. They are younger and more receptive so hopefully we will be able to go out there often to work. As for weird Glendale people, we were doing service for a recent convert of the zone leaders and before we started, he introduced us to his friend mike. Mike is a light bulb. The recent convert is planning on reincarnating him with an invention he made. Awesome. So there is that fun stuff. Weird stuff like that pretty much happens on at least a weekly basis. 
Anyway, things were pretty normal this week and nothing different really happened but we did pick up a new investigator (sort of) named Vestanik. He is awesome but speaks no English so we have to always have members there to help us. We also finally got a hold of Artur and met with him! So we had a pretty good week.
Now for the best part, I came in the middle of the transfer and so transfers were this week. Of course I'm training and so Elder Stucki and I were pretty sure we weren't moving. That is until we got a call from the zone leaders. We had the phone on speaker when Elder Stucki answered and they asked for me. It was still on speaker and they said "hey Elder Jensen, you will be picking up your New companion tomorrow." Elder Stucki got really nervous right there it was super funny.
Fortunately, Elder Stucki isn't leaving. We will be in a trio and our new companion is Elder Meppin. We are super pumped to have him back because he has been in English work for the last six months and he is glad to be back as well. Also now we have a companion who is a little more fluent In the language which will be a huge asset. Anyway, I will try to get a picture with them but there is a lot going on today so it might not come until next week. Hope you all continue being awesome and working hard. Remember that the church is true and there are miracles everyday, you just have to look for them! Have a good week!