MTC Letter 5

Hello Everyone! 

I don't even know what to talk about this week because it has been pretty normal for the most part. I just love being here and I love my calling as a zone leader but unfortunately I only have it for about one more week. I love working with all the missionaries and becoming good friends with them. I have quite a bit of time today so I will write about each day individually.

Saturday 9: Last P-day the temple was still closed so I took a nap. Everyone else napped for 20 minutes but I was out for 2 hours. I don't think they know what a true nap is. 

Sunday 10: Elder Gray and I have started getting up at 6:00 instead of 6:30 to get a little extra study in and it is really nice. Our teachers came up with a thing called super Sunday and I hate it so much. We have to learn as many words as we can but I have a very hard time with that especially because I lose a lot of study time due to leadership meetings. We did get to meet the area seventy, Larry S. Ketcher though. He is the area seventy for the Armenian mission so that was pretty cool even though my mission isn't over there. Turns out the gospel is really needed over there because the only stake they had was dissolved due to misuse of tithing funds. The missionaries basically run the church over there and some will be called as branch presidents. Later we had a devotional by President Heaton on charity and I thought it was awesome because that is a characteristic I really want.

Monday 11: We taught Վահե today again and we had a very successful lesson. He really wants to learn more about how he can repent. We decided to have him pray about it and so we prayed with him and the spirit was very strong even though we didn't understand the whole thing. We then testified that he could be forgiven and asked him to be baptized on July 30th. (Which is just kind of a fake date because he is a fake investigator but we have to work towards something) He said yes and we were so excited.

Tuesday 12: We taught Լենա today and that lesson was awesome as well. We taught her about the holy ghost and she really wants to feel the spirit. We showed her ways she could do that and gave her a chapter of the Book of Mormon to read. After class and lunch we had exercise time and one Elder got a package with jellyfish in it. We made a bet in volleyball that whoever lost had to eat it. Since we don't actually keep score we just decided it was a tie and we all have to eat it.

Wednesday 13: Today we ate the jellyfish and it was very disgusting. I am so grateful my mission has fast food restaurants in it. I have been kinda sick all week but today it was especially bad and we have had lots of sickness going around. At least I can still go to class though. We also hosted today and it was a lot of fun. 

Thursday 14: Today we taught Լենա and that lesson was pretty awkward but it all worked out. We decided she needed to go to church to help her feel the spirit but when we asked her about church she said she was already going. Oh. Didn't see that coming. We were proud of her but it messed up our whole lesson. Luckily we were able to talk about the sacrament still because she had a lot of questions. We also taught Վահե and that lesson went very well. He kept all of his commitments and he is really progressing but we still have a lot of work to do. He is still unsure about repentance and baptism so we will have to explain why it is important next time.

Friday 15: Today we had TRC (Teaching Recent Converts) and it was very good. The language is coming along a lot better but there is still a ton we don't know. We challenged both of our groups of missionaries to read the Book of Mormon for an hour each day. We have been thinking a lot lately just how important the Book of Mormon is. If the Book of Mormon is that important in our lives then we can't just settle for a little bit a day. We have to work hard and diligently study if we want to be better. They thought we asked a lot of them, but they said they would try to do it and we know they can do it if they really have the faith. I know for me that my hour of Book of Mormon study is very important.

Normally I wont write this much but I just had a lot of time today. I hope you all continue to have a good week and keep living the gospel strong! It will bless you if you do!

Երեց Ջենսեն