April 22, 2017: Transfers (Office Elder)

Sorry for not writing last week, but it has been a crazy few weeks and I don't really even remember much of what happened. Well, Easter was really great and if you haven't watched the Easter initiative then you should. 

Pretty much the reason I didn't write last week is because I didn't get a P day and the reason for that is because we got transfer calls and I got transferred. That is why I am not writing on Monday. I was told that I wouldn't be getting a P day because they made the call Sunday night and I was being transferred to become an office Elder. 

It is funny because I told some of my companions a few transfers ago that if there was anywhere I would not want to go, it would be an office elder. Well, be careful what you say, because here I am. It is actually a lot more fun than I thought though and I still get to work a lot in my area which is good.
Office Elders have some of their P days on Saturdays because they have to help with the transfers the next Monday. Other than that they pretty much get to choose between Saturday and Monday.

I packed up and came to my new area last Monday. The area is the Duarte 2nd Ward. We pretty much just did office work all Monday and much of this week. My new companion is Elder Baguley and he is pretty cool so far. We have seen a lot of miracles this week in the area including finding lots of families! I have really come to love the power of the Book of Mormon so much and the message of the restoration so much. It really is amazing!

The office work here is hard to learn because I don't know anything about computers and all I see is a bunch of cords, but I'm sure it will be a good learning experience. Sorry, this letter is kinda scrambled because I'm still kinda confused myself. Duarte is an English area with a lot of Spanish and Chinese people so I guess I need to learn some new languages now. I am excited to work in this area though and we get to go to all the meetings which means we get to work closer with President Villanueva which I am super excited for! 

That's about all for this week so I hope you have a great week!
(Pictured: Omid with Elder Sanders and Jensen. Elders at the LA Temple)

Elder Jensen and Elder Baguley