MTC: Letter 3

Hello Everyone!

This week really flew by and it was kinda just a regular old week. I don't really have much to talk about except we taught վահե (Vahe) again and it was a great lesson. We didn't go in with memorized phrases so it was good practice trying to teach with what we knew and we taught him about the Book of Mormon as well as how to pray. 

We also had our first TRC this week. That is where we teach members and try to find their needs and teach them what they need to know. That didn't go as well because we don't really speak Armenian and they actually do. We would ask, "How are you?" and the answers we got were like "sadlkgoiweajgl;akxdgljaoirjgtaojgl;aj" so basically we just decided we would pretend we understood and keep asking questions and then we jsut shared testimony on the importance of prayer and reading the Book of Mormon. I think one of the people said he liked swimming and that's about all I got.

As you can see, week 3 is proving to be very exciting and we are pretty much fluent in Armenian by now so yeah. Also I don't think I mentioned this before but one of the sisters in my district learning Armenian is from and Armenian family in California. She doesn't speak it (yet) but her family does and so I might get to see them! That is pretty cool. 

Our classroom also split into two because it was too crowded so now the prison cell with cinder block walls and no windows is much more roomy. Luckily things are still going well here and it is a lot of fun to struggle and it is easy to remain positive. Also for those of you who know Braden Bringhurst, he is going to be in my zone next week because the old Germans are leaving and he is one of the new ones. That is exciting! Well, I don't really have much else to talk about so have a great week!

Elder Jensen

This is what 10 hours of class time in a day does to you. This is me at about 9:00 P.M. Every day.