Letter 31

This has been an awesome week. We have found a lot of promising people in the last week that we are very excited for. We were finally able to meet with Henrik again. He still didn't come to church, but he was open to learning more as long as we go slow. We are ok with that.

We did have 4 investigators come to church this week though which was awesome! The first was Mosi's friend Omid. He has been coming for the last little while and we have just started teaching him. He is really awesome and I have high hopes for him. We then had an Armenian lady named Madlena who has been coming for the last little bit as well. We finally had a chance to talk to her after the meeting and really get to know her and we will meet up with her on Friday.

Lastly we had Amanda and her son Jacob who is 14. They are really willing to let us meet and while they don't really want to change their lifestyle just yet, they like having us over and like keeping the commitments we have given them so far and they even came to church! We are super excited for them and it has been such a great week because we now have some solid investigators!

Also this week, it was my dinner choice at the Campaña's house and because I want a multi-cultural experience, I specifically requested that we have baloot. It is a Filipino delicacy. It is a partly developed duck embryo still in an egg. I ended up having two because I thought it was super good. It just tastes like an egg if you have it cooked right. I will have to try a grosser one next time. Maybe let it develop a little longer. Thanks for your support and have a great week everyone!