Letter 13

Wow it has been a crazy week. Well not really, it just goes by so fast. The good news is I finally got my iPad figured out so I was able to get the rest of the people on my email list. For some of you this might be the first email, so sorry about that. Well, it has been a pretty normal week for the most part. We did a lot of service again because a lot of people live in really messy areas and people are constantly moving so we didn't have a ton of lessons this week, but it was still really awesome. 

We are still struggling to find new Armenian investigators. We did meet this one guy named Azad who is super polite and loves it when we come over. He loves learning English and he knows a lot so he wants us to teach him in English but we want to teach in Armenian. We do a little bit of both and it's a lot of fun. We gave him a Book of Mormon this week and he said he would read it but he can't change religions. Just like other Armenians, he is part of the Armenian church. However, he loves to learn about Christ and so we actually talked to him which is better than what the other Armenians let us do. 

We don't have a lot of people in our teaching pool so we do a lot of finding. However, we do have one exciting thing this week and that was Ysa's baptism! She was baptized last Saturday and we are super proud of her and her family. They used to be less active but now, they have begun to come back and enjoy church. Ysa has progressed so much and we are so proud of her. She is seriously amazing and so smart in the gospel. She and her family will really benefit the ward.

I will try to send some pictures later when I get them. Well that's about it for this week. I hope you all have a wonderful week as well and don't forget to share the gospel with people! Missionaries really like referrals so always be looking for people who need the gospel.

Have a great week!

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