MTC: Letter 2

Hello everyone!

This week has been incredibly stressful and amazing at the same time. I listened to an amazing talk by Elder Bednar with my district and it just completely blew my mind. I wish you could all see it but it is only shown in the MTC. It was called Character of Christ and it seriously was just amazing. 

The language has been coming along slowly but surely. I know we will get it eventually but this has actually been a pretty amazing week. I can now pray and bear testimony in Armenian and it is hard to read because it is a totally different alphabet but I can slowly read words off a paper. This week we finished teaching Geyvorg.

In the beginning of the week we just became really stressed out because we don't have enough time to prepare lessons and most of what we say doesn't make sense due to the language barrier. We couldn't understand him so that made it really hard. At the end of the week, he came in and talked to us in English and said we did a great job and all that stuff. I just hope we will be able to know more of the language for our next investigators.  The coolest thing this week though was right after the super stressful day where we wanted to give up, we were taught about the grammar of the language and that made us all super excited because we were now able to formulate sentences and not just memorize phrases. 

Also, last Wednesday 700 new missionaries came and 171 mission presidents and their wives. It is very crowded but there are a lot of general authorities on campus. Our district was selected to participate in a mission president training and during the training. Elder Dallin H. Oaks came into our discussion for thirty minutes. Our district was split so it was just the mission president and his wife and five missionaries. He had so much amazing counsel and wisdom I could just tell when I made eye contact with him. That was a wonderful experience for me.

My district has been selected for so many trainings and other things next week so we are really busy. We have been selected to host next week so we get to welcome new missionaries which will be cool. Maybe I will get to host Nick Jensen. That would be cool. I am starting to see more people I know so that is also wonderful. Well, I have to go now but it was great to write you all!

Elder Jensen