Letter 47: Meeting Mayra

May 22, 2017

Hey everybody!

This week has been pretty good! We found a couple people who really seem like they could have some potential and so we hope we can keep teaching them! We also had Kaoussar and the twins Bshara and Zein at church yesterday so that was really good! 

While the twins went to primary we were able to teach Kaoussar and really set good expectations. We pretty much wrote down everything that needed to happen before baptism and what will happen after baptism and what it means to be a part of the church. We went over each person in the family individually and it went really well.

It's too bad Emile wasn't there but I think Kaoussar got a lot out of it and she is really excited to help her family make this step! Normally she leaves before sacrament meeting because she can't control the twins, but this time Elder Baguley and I each sat next to one of the twins and helped keep them quiet during sacrament meeting.

It reminded me of when I was little at church and played all those games like hangman. It went really well! The twins also got to go to fathers and sons yesterday with their dad so I bet that helped them get a lot of fellowship. They are super awesome and I'm so grateful to be working with them! Please pray for them! That's about all this week. Sorry I keep forgetting to take pictures and I also can't find anything cool to take pictures of. Have a great week!

Partial Journal entries:

May 16: Man, today was crazy but awesome! We taught this family the restoration. They would be such a blessing to have in the ward, but they are kinda hung up on some of the deeper doctrines, which is too bad because they are so nice and act like Mormons. They would be such good Mormons too, but that's ok, it was still a good lesson. We then had dinner with James Finlay's family, which was awesome.

May 17: Today was quite the day because it was mostly tracting and calling people. We pretty much called everyone in our area book and tracted for most of the day.  Unfortunately still nobody was found but we did have a small doctrinal discussion with a guy from Christ Church of the Valley so that was cool.  I definitely need to go visit some other churches after my mission because I have a lot of questions about how they all work.

May 18: Today was great! We had district meeting with a good lesson...  We also studied about hope as a companionship and decided that we both need to make a greater effort to have hope and that made the finding day a lot more optimistic. Not only that, but the very last person we talked to before we went to go teach Eric said we could come back Saturday. Her name is Mayra and I think she was a miracle, even if nothing else goes through.

We then taught Eric a lesson. He is a recent convert and we were pretty bold with him but he is really humble and patient and so he committed to stay at church for the whole three hours. Overall pretty good day!

May 19th: It was our district's turn to clean the mission office and so we did that after personal study and then came back and did comp study and weekly planning. We then did some finding and then had a wonderful dinner at the Sandovals. Then it was just more visiting people and then language study and so yeah, it was pretty much just another regular day in Duarte, not too shabby!

May 22: Today was a good P-day because we got to play ball for a bit and we also had a zone activity where we played a bunch of games so that was lots of fun! I wish we had more people to teach, but I am grateful for the Ibraihims. If we could teach them often if would feel like the area was on fire. No worries though. Things will turn up I'm sure.