Letter 49

Hey Everyone!

This week was pretty great! I have a new companion now and it is Elder Peterson who was my zone leader when I was leaving Glendale! I am super pumped to have him as a companion because I already know we will get along great. He is also very ready to work in this new area and light it up and I am too, so it will be a fun transfer for sure.

Other than that things have been pretty busy. Since it was transfer week, we were at the office all day Monday and Tuesday taking old missionaries home and bringing new missionaries in. We did have some problems with the missionaries we took home but it all worked out. Elder Peterson and I took the international missionaries to the airport.

The Elder going home to South Korea and the Elder going home to the Philippines had some problems with their flights being delayed and messing up the connectors and so we were on the phone a lot with church travel. That was definitely really stressful but we were able to get it figured out, they just had to stay in the mission one more day. So far working in the office has been pretty fun though and I enjoy working in the fast pace environment, especially on transfer week.

We did have one cool miracle occur as well this week. We went to visit a less active part member family but when we arrived  complex we realized we didn't have their apt number. Then our phone started ringing and we didn't recognize the number. When we answered we found out that it was non member wife of the family we were trying to reach right then.

She said her family was going through a lot and she really needed to come back to church and get them involved as well. She even expressed to us that she wants to be baptized again. She was a member of the church originally but her records were removed when she was younger but now she wants to be a part of it again. We had a great lesson yesterday about repentance with her and her husband and we are excited to help them progress in the gospel. They are awesome and would be a wonderful blessing to have in the ward.

That's about all for this week! I hope you all have a wonderful week as well!

(Pictured -- office elders with the departing missionaries)