Letter 15

I finally got to try a little bit of Armenian food this week. Well, kinda. I'm sure you could find it anywhere you go but I'm gonna say it's Armenian nonetheless.  So this week I can't actually remember anything that happened. Wow I know something had to have happened this week.

Oh yeah, so we found a Parska-hai (Persian Armenian) family. Armenians from Iran. They are super awesome and the family consists of a young girl about 12 years old, her mom, her uncle, and her grandma. We are super excited to teach them but the uncle isn't home often so that makes it hard for us to schedule a time to go. Luckily, we have trio power and therefore and go into peoples homes now even when there isn't a male present.

As for the unfortunate turn of events, they speak western Armenian with a Persian (Parskastansy) accent. We have a difficult time understanding a lot but thank goodness Elder Meppen is a little more capable than us.  It would still be a good idea to bring some Farsi members because that's the only language they can read and so they probably speak that one the best. They are amazing and we are super excited to keep teaching them.

Most of our investigators right now aren't even full Armenians they are either part Russian or Persian. We keep getting referrals or finding people who speak Russian and Persian and we are over here just like, "these aren't even the same language why does this keep happening."

I love it though. We've gotten very good at using resources. So pretty much that's about it. Sorry not much this week but I do have a few pictures.

Elder Meppin with a praying mantis. Me eating Gatan. A comp pic. And then me before drinking Tan (also known as drinkable yogurt). Gatan is super good and everyone should try it. Tan... is not very good but try it anyway. It's disgusting.