Letter 57

Hey Everyone! I can't remember if I sent these pictures out last week so here they are if I forgot. This is the new Armenian Elder. His name is Elder Hansen and he is really cool so I can't wait to work with him later on my mission! Also pictured is pig ear. It was alright but not my favorite.

This week was short because of Saturday p day but I learned a lot this week. I can't say much happened with working in our area but we have seen a lot of success with the less actives we have been working with. This week has been particularly good for me though, even when a whole lot didn't happen. It is hard to describe in an email so I will just share my testimony. After a lot of studying and discussing with Elder Peterson, the atonement now has a special meaning to me.

I am so grateful for the redeeming power of the atonement. I am really starting to recognize my weaknesses a lot better after being in this area which has been an answer to my prayers since the beginning of my mission. I now understand that I can be redeemed from my weaknesses and I don't have to be perfect, I just have to keep trying.

The love that Jesus Christ has for each and everyone of us is truly amazing and I am so grateful that I have had the experiences I've had on my mission so far to feel his love in my life. I know that this is his true church and his gospel can make us happy and filled with peace. I love you all and hope you have a great week.

Elder Jensen