Letter 79 Christmas

Hey Everyone!

I hope you are all having a good Christmas! We are doing the typical missionary thing playing basketball because it’s p day. This week was a lot of fun! I love my new area a ton. The ward has a ton of youth and it’s just like a Utah ward. The members are super solid and willing to help so it’s great.

One of the members brought one of her friends to church and now her and her family attend. They are really interested in finding out more of what we believe. We taught them the first lesson this week at our ward mission leader's house and it was amazing! It started off a little shaky because Elder Boulette and I teach very differently, but the spirit soon came into the lesson and as we testified of the Book of Mormon it brought a lot of peace. They came to church this Sunday for the 4th time and plan on attending weekly.

Maggie has already read the intro and testimonies and Keney has read a little bit as well. Maggie is very interested and is helping her family come along too. I haven’t had the experience to teach families a lot on my mission and so I am super excited for this one and I really feel that they will be baptized as they continue to keep commitments.

I enjoy everything about this area (even biking, it’s actually kinda fun) and I can’t wait to keep working in it. I’m so grateful for this time of year as well. It took a little bit for it to hit Cali, but you can feel the spirit of Christmas in the air and I love it. I know the Book of Mormon is real and it can bring peace to your life by reading it. I know that Joseph Smith did indeed translate the Book with Gods help and I’m so grateful that God has prepared this tool the Book of Mormon in our lives to help us find truth and feel peace. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!

Elder Jensen
Pictures: Christmas zone conference and Christmas morning. Sorry for the bad photo quality.