Welcome Home Elder Jensen!!!

Rick and I went to the Institute for his Seminary and Institute inservice leaving the kids in charge of cleaning the house. We listened to the broadcast and then had a nice lunch. Jase had called right before the broadcast to say that his first flight was delayed and that he might miss his second flight (which would put him 3 or 4 hours behind). Needless to say we had a difficult time focusing on the broadcast since we knew we would be seeing him soon! After the lunch we hurried home to pick up the kids. We were wondering whether or not we should head to the airport when he called and said that he had barely made it on the second flight and hurriedly borrowed someone's phone to let us know. So we headed out to the airport!

Rick was embarrassing us all by telling everyone to "practice" jumping up and down while chanting "Jase, Jase, finish the race!" (It is an inside joke.) When Jase was in intermediate school and participating in his school triathlon the course went right by the Seminary building where Rick was teaching. So Rick took his entire class outside to cheer him on chanting, "Jase, Jase, win the race!!" Then years later Jase sang " "I Can Go the Distance" for our family Disney CD and in the end of the song Rick had all of the kids chant, "Jase, Jase, win the race!" Anyway, Jared started jumping up and down which popped one of the balloons and so he had to stop. Thus the goofy picture of him holding Josh's scribbled sign with a popped balloon around his neck. He figured that Jase would appreciate his humor. 

It was great to see Jase! We took some pictures and headed home. We still had an hour or so before he was to be released and so for his last assignment Rick had asked him to teach our family. He explained the three most important things that he had learned on his mission. He was really humble and emotional and it was a neat, spiritual experience for our family. We then went to the Stake President's house for his release. Jase had an easy time adjusting to being home. He even had a job interview set up for the day after he arrived home!  It has been wonderful having him home! We are grateful for the dedicated service Jase gave on his mission and have seen numerous blessings as a result. We love you, Jase!!!  

Departing Group!

 Elder Jensen with President and Sister Wells