Letter 76 Birthday

Hey Everyone!

It was a fun week for us. We’ve been doing lots of finding and service for the light the world theme and it has been going great so far I have really enjoyed it. We also are easing into Facebook right now so don’t be alarmed if you see me on haha. It has been super weird to go through it but I think it will be a great proselyting tool. After all, follow up is one of the hardest things I feel like with missionary work. We have so many people to contact and call and text in a day and we often don’t remember and so I think FB messaging will make it a lot easier. I’m excited to start!

Elder Stucki and I also celebrated our birthday together again this year and we went all out. It was our birthday and so no excuses, we had to eat a bunch of unhealthy food. It was awesome but I felt terrible after. We ate a ton of donuts in the morning and then we weren’t even that hungry for lunch but we got a bunch of Little Caesar's extra most bestest pizza with the crazy crust because we said we had to. 

For those of you who don’t know it’s a pizza with extra pepperoni and cheese and then they smothered a ton of the stuff that they put on crazy bread normally on it. By this point I was utterly disgusted with myself but we had a deal and so for dinner we went to red Robbin. What a party. Bottomless fries is just what I need when I’m not even hungry but we ate as much as we could and it was worth it. Fast Sunday was the next day too and so I was actually super prepared. Anyway, the church is true have a great week!