Letter 99 Mayra's Baptism!!

Hey Everyone!

It was a great week because Mayra was baptized! She is so awesome and prepared and we had such a wonderful service. I’m so grateful I got to be a part of her journey. I will put some pictures below. It was also a great Mother’s Day and really fun to see family! Everyone is so old now so it will be weird to go home, but it’s good to see that the same sibling jokes and teasing have not changed at all.

Other than the baptism we didn’t have too much going on. Sonia has made some wonderful progress too and we are excited for her baptism coming up! I love this area so much, I love being a missionary so much. It’s such a wonderful opportunity to see people changing their lives and learning truth. I’m so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the impact it’s made in my life. Because of the savior, I can change and I don’t need to keep making the same mistakes. There will always be hope for me and each one of his children because of the sacrifice he made.

I have been so blessed in my life to be raised in such a good family when families all around me are falling apart and I want to bring those same blessings to my children. I know the gospel blesses families and I’m so grateful for all that the lord has given me. I have one request for all of you and it’s a request that many of you have fulfilled already but I invite you to fulfill it again. Please read the Book of Mormon. Whether you have never read it or whether you have read it 200 times. I promise you that it will increase your understanding of the Lords love for us and it will help you find the happiness and peace that you might be lacking right now. I know it is true and it will bless your life more than anything. I hope you all have a great week!