Letter 22

We got our car back! That makes everything so much better. Just for the record I love my companions. I just wanted to give him a hard time about the car thing. It doesn't matter that we have the car back, we just still have to give him a hard time, haha. Well, my camera broke so I might not have pictures for a while.

Anyway, we have found a lot of new investigators but we haven't been able to get follow up so as for now, both of our people we are working with are still on date and doing well!  Lia is progressing wonderfully and we will have her baptism this week and Asal is doing well also. Her baptism will be next week. Now we just need to find some people for our white Christmas this December. Hopefully we can find an Armenian to set with a date.

We had a super good week this week. Maybe it's because we didn't have the car. We have been doing a lot of less active work with the group leader just to see if people still want to be involved. Most of the Armenians either don't want to be involved with the church or don't live there anymore. Unfortunately it is not going so great as all of the Armenian people just like to kinda come when they feel like it. We have found a few however who are willing to come back and so we will try to grow the group bigger, that way our investigators feel more welcome.

Anyway, I am out of time so I hope you all have a wonderful week and continue to work hard! Invite all your friends to church! Most of the time, the people don't need missionaries, they need friends so share the gospel with everyone! Have a great week!
(11 pounds of Salmon -- recipe from home -- cooked by the Campanas family!)