Letter 11

I don't have much to write about this week because we haven't really moved forward with our investigators. We did however find a less active member who is really prepared to listen to the gospel again and we are excited to see what is in store for her. Also that guy in the other picture is brother Twelves. He is a return missionary who came and visited us. It was pretty great because he gave us many helpful tips and he speaks Armenian perfectly pretty much. We went and visited many people when he saw how bad the situation of the group was so hopefully that gives a little boost to all of those less actives. It was fun to go visit all of these people with him and we learned a lot about how we can improve ourselves and the mission.

As for our investigators, we have no idea what happened but they didn't come to sacrament meeting. For all we know, Artur might have gone to visit Russia from what we heard because we couldn't get a hold of him. Hopefully we will be able to be in touch and help him keep progressing when (if) he comes back. We are having a great time here and the members are awesome! They feed us all the time and it is always super good. 

Unfortunately, none of the Armenian members come out with us for lessons and help with the work but we think we can get them to come if we keep working. For now, the English speaking ones are doing excellent. To be honest though, the hardest thing about this mission is that everyone is super dedicated to the Armenian church. Also, the people in Glendale are super old and we can't find a single Armenian family but we are hoping that if we look around a bit, we will be able to find an Armenian family. It has been good so far and I hope all of you have a good week as well!

(Pictures below!!)