Letter 25

Hello Everyone!

I hope you are all having a good time lighting the world! If you haven't started then you should now! This week was pretty tough because all of our investigators coming to sacrament meeting bailed. However, we have some great people who are doing excellent! 
First there is Henrik. He is a new Armenian we picked up and he is doing very well. He wants to learn and know about the Book of Mormon more which is super awesome. He also lets us come often and is very open to the message. This is pretty rare for an Armenian so we are super excited. We have also picked up a guy named Ramone who is willing to meet but has a hard time keeping commitments. We will have to wait a little longer to see if he actually has a desire to move forward though. 
Lastly, one cool experience I had was on mine and Elder Stucki's birthday. We wanted to go by this less active girl named Carina. She is Armenian but she attends the English ward. Her entire family is in active. When we went by, we took the Young women's leader with us because they are super close and Carina is the oldest in Young Women's. It was a great experience and we pretty much didn't do anything. The Young Women's leader just expressed how much she missed her being at church and Carina said she missed the young women too. So although none of our investigators came to church, Carina did and it was amazing. Her coming back is going to have a big impact on the rest of her family as well as on the young women in the ward so that is super exciting. It was definitely a highlight of my mission. The spirit was super strong and I am so glad I got to be a part of that experience.
If you know anyone who is having a hard time right now, be their friend. Many people leave the church or choose wrong choices because they don't have anyone to help them make the right ones. This christmas season, please search for those people who are going down the wrong path and befriend them. Offer to help them. There is no better way to help someone than to be their friend. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas season!
P.S. Sorry I didn't take a lot of pictures this week but here are a couple. The first two are of Mosi's and Asal's daughter Aylar. She is super cute and pretty much one of my favorite people. She calls us her uncles in Farsi and it is super cute. The last one is a cat that we had to shave. Somehow we got stuck with that job.