Letter 39

Hey Everyone!

This week was an interesting one for sure. Unfortunately, Elder Dean went home this week but it is what he wanted. It was sad to see him go, but I know he will have a good time at college. Other than that, Elder Sanders and I have pretty much just been finding a whole lot and we are now teaching some people who we think will have some potential.

We want to keep finding though and really just stack up our teaching pool with people. We had a lot of meetings this week which was actually a lot of fun. I got to catch up with some missionaries I hadn't seen in a while and it felt like I was talking to people I hadn't seen in years it was great. 

It is such a blessing to be out here serving the lord, I have learned so much and I feel like I just keep learning more and more everyday. Things pertaining to the gospel and other important things that I may use later in life like breaking into my own apartment when I  lock myself out. I know that this gospel is really the best way we can change and become better and I hope you all have a desire to continue changing and becoming better. Have a great week!