Letter 48

Hey Everyone!

Transfer calls are tonight but since we are going to be pretty busy all transfer week our p day is today. However, Elder Baguley received a call from the Assistants a little bit early to tell him that he will be training next transfer. He is really excited because this is the first time he will train. So, this means I will be getting a new companion! I don't know who it will be yet but I am excited to find out tonight! 

Other than that it was a pretty short week so there isn't much to report. We have been teaching a lot more lessons which is good and we hope to keep it up. We also had a really fun zone activity where we played a bunch of games for p day last week. There are a couple pictures below and it was a lot of fun. Hope you all have a great week!

(Later: My new companion is Elder (Cameron) Peterson and he is from Nampa Idaho! He was my Zone Leader back in Glendale and is really awesome, so I am excited to work with him!)