Letter 92 New Area

Hey Everyone!

It was an amazing week! Holy cow this area is amazing! I got transferred on on Tuesday and my area Sunland is right above Glendale so I got to see all the Armenian Elders at Zone breakfast which was super fun. There are tons of Armenians up her too so I get to practice speaking again. 

On Wednesday we brought Elder Stucki to the office to go home and that was crazy. He got picked up by his mom Thursday morning and they stopped by to see us and get his stuff that he left behind so that was fun. I can’t believe he is home now it’s so weird, he has been there my whole mission. 

My new companion Elder Pate and I got right to work though and this area just has tons of prepared people. They have some pretty cool people they have been working with and we will definitely see some baptisms in May. I haven’t met everybody, but we got to teach a lady named Mayra this week and she has tons of potential. We invited her to pray about a Baptismal date this week. She doesn’t want to be pushed, but at the same time she has been loving everything we teach and so we want her to think about baptism. 

We set another guy on date named Robert this week and so we are excited to keep meeting with him as well. Another great thing about this ward is the bishop is amazing! He has us over for dinner every week and is super missionary minded! He comes to each if our lessons with Mayra and he is just awesome! I don’t think I’ve had a better bishop so this is just awesome. I’m just so pumped it’s crazy. This is gonna be a fun way to end the mission! (Pictured: Elder Stucki and Elder Pate)
 Farewell to Elder Stucki!