Letter 30

Oh man what a week. On the bright side of things, We found a ton of people this week! However, we had to refer them all out so the Spanish missionaries better be baptizing up a storm! We did start working with a few more people though which I am super pumped for. Amanda and her son Jacob are super awesome. Amanda isn't super interested but likes to listen in because she wants the best for her son Jacob. I feel like they both have a lot of potential though and we are pumped to keep working with them! Henrik has been busy lately so we still haven't been able to meet with him. I hope we can get a hold of him because he has so much potential. 

Other than that it has just been finding and referring back and forth. That is better than dropping though! Our whole zone is gonna be finding this week but my district is doing great (that is what happens when you have the zone leaders and the sister training leaders. My companion and I are just trying to keep up with them). It has been a super good week though because we have found a lot of people who are just so prepared for the gospel. All we need to do is talk to them! I encourage you all to share the gospel with your friends and family and always be a good friend to them. Just being on a mission has changed me so much and I am so much more outgoing now. Do your best to serve the Lord and he will shape you into what he needs you to be! Have a great week!