Letter 24

Hey Everyone!

This week has been super crazy! First item of business, Lia was baptized! It was a super cool experience with 5 elders to help her be baptized because of her handicap. It was an amazing experience and hopefully I can get the pictures we have. It was perfect and we are so happy for her. It was a wonderful experience and she has so much faith and had enough faith to be baptized even with her handicap. This week was super stressful because we just did a baptism and we had another one that took a lot of preparation.

Our days this week have been full of super spiritual highs that by the end of the day changed into extreme lows. One for example was the day of Lia's baptism. It was a super good experience but after the baptism, we got rejected by every single person we talked to. Like no joke, every person. We didn't teach a single lesson at the end of the day and it really took a toll on us. We had a really hard time with all that rejection, especially when trying to move forward with the white Christmas theme. Our whole zone is having trouble, some of the greatest and most perfect investigators dropped us and the other missionaries too. It has been really hard but it has also been necessary.

I have learned so much about loving the people who I have the opportunity to teach and the importance of my calling. The closer we get to the white christmas, the more amazing the miracle will be that happens. I know that it will be a miracle that takes place for us and so I am excited for that moment. Take advantage of every opportunity and hardship you have because there is always something you can learn from it. Lastly, I would challenge you all to do the light the world program on mormon.org. Watch the video and make the commitment to follow the savior by doing little acts of service. It has new ideas and I know that it will open your eyes in the way you see others. I hope you all have a great week!