MTC: Letter 7

Wow this week sure flew by. It has been a pretty good week and it is so weird that we will be leaving soon. This Sunday we were released as zone leaders and so we have a lot more study time. It is kind of nice but I miss helping out all the other missionaries. Two of our teachers were out of town for most of this week so we only taught Lena once but we taught Vahey quite a bit. With Lena I went back to the one Elder Gray and I taught and she hasn't been taught faith yet so that is what we taught and it was awesome. The spirit was so strong as she showed her own faith by making and keeping more commitments. As for Vahey, he has to make a very difficult choice in his life right now and so at the end of this week we asked him to pray, study, and make that choice. We will hear what he chose next week. 

We also had our first skype TRC this Wednesday. Oh my goodness I was so nervous but it was amazing. We taught a lady named Seda who lives in Armenia and it was so cool! I can already tell I love these people so much and I really can't wait to teach them. Even if I can barely talk to them, I love to hear all about their lives and I just want to help them. Looks like my study of charity is really paying off. We have also practiced teaching each other this week and so we all got to make up our own investigators based off of people we know. We are teaching Drey and Geyvorg. (Elder Andros really wanted to pretend to be his friend but he named him Geyvorg after our first investigator at the MTC). I am role playing as one of my own friends too and it is so awesome to be taught. I love doing it honestly and I have a lot of fun pretending to be an investigator. 

We also finished all of the grammar this week! Finally. To be completely honest, Armenian grammar is actually really easy in comparison to other languages so we are pretty lucky. Most of the other languages don't even finish going through all of their grammar but we get to review ours multiple times which is good because I forgot most of it. Just 2 and a half weeks left! Lets see if I can make it. I am excited to hit the field and I love hearing about everyone back home. Thanks for all of your letters and have a great week!

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